A blog is without doubt, one of the most powerful tools you can have in your on-line marketing arsenal. An effective offers the ability to increase website traffic, engage your customers, promote your brand and hopefully convert site visitors into paying customers.

Hugely search engine friendly (Google absolutely love blogs!), they are now one of the primary factors in a successful SEO campaign.

Choose Your Topics Carefully

Blogging offers a highly effective method of communicating with your customers. When utilised correctly, blogs are a great source of unique content on topical issues. An Blogging For Businessesoften made mistake though is using your blog to write endless posts telling the world how great you company and its services/products are. Generally (and not surprisingly!) people have no interest in reading this type of content. People strive for something specific, something relevant, so taking the time to identify the burning current issues can pay huge dividends.

Enabling Comments

User comments, whether they or good or bad, are an excellent way of opening up lines of communication with your customers. It’s always recommended to incorporate a ‘Blog Policy’, which will allow you to outline the rules regarding comments to ensure that nothing abusive or personal will be tolerated.

This is not to say that everything needs to be positive and as such it is very important that the blogger responds to any negative comments which may be left. Other readers of your blog will read any comments which are left and will always be interested to see what sort of response negative comments receive. By taking the time to address the issue and highlighting how the problem can be resolved, you are likely to create a much better impression that be ignoring it.

When you receive comments, always try to respond. Should a reader put their name on the comment, thank the reader with that name. This builds up your engagement and shows you are interested in customer feedback no matter how good or bad it is. It is small things like this that will draw the reader back to your blog.

There is no holy grail which will transform your blog into a tool that is guaranteed to drive traffic to your website but by making it useful, writing it regularly, and writing about topics that your audience will want to read about, you will be well on your way to taking your website and your business to another level.

Further Information

If you’d like to speak to us regarding any of our services, give us a call on 01883 372488 or contact us via Facebook and we’ll be happy to talk you through your options.

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