It’s no exaggeration to say that the user experience offered by your website can make the difference between a visitor becoming a paying customer and them not returning to your website at all. No matter how attractive your website is, poor user experience is very likely to result in their visit becoming just a one time deal!

Looks Aren’t Everything!

We understand that having a great looking website is really important for all of our clients, after all, this is your shop window. However, this is just the beginning of the web design process and we want to do all that we can to ensure that not only does your website look great, it also functions and performs to a high level.

Below we have identified 3 of our top tips to help keep your visitors happy.

No. 1 – Keeping Things Simple

Cluttered websites can be a nail in the coffin in regards to usability. If a website is too confusing, too difficult to navigate, contains too much information or any other issue, there is a very strong chance that users will find their experience to be a poor one.

Minimalist designs often make websites easier to take in and use, increasing their chances of being effective.

Top Tip – Find the right balance by ensuring that your website does not make users search too hard to find information whilst not overloading them at the same time.

Take all steps possible to ensure that your website is as secure as possible.

No. 2 – Usability & User Experience Are Two Different Things

A common mistake for many web designers involves confusing user experience with usability. Whilst they can influence each other, they are not the same thing.

To help break this down a little further, the fundamental difference is as follows:

User experience means that visitors to your website want to use it whereas usability means that a person can easily use it.

Although offering a good user experience is very important because it means your visitors will enjoy browsing your website, there are no guarantees that the site would be usable.

No. 3 – Don’t Underestimate The Importance Of Safety

Web users are more switched on to the risks posed by ineffective online security than ever before. If your visitors have concerns about the security of your website, it is highly likely that they will not make either online or in-app purchases.

Customers are quite rightly very wary of having their data stolen when shopping online. For this reason amongst others, they are far more likely to use websites they know and trust to make purchases.

Need Some More Help

Would like to find out more about optimising user experience? Give the Footprint Digital team a call on Tel. No. 01883 372488 today.

Currently Browsing: How Important Is Your Website User Experience?