When your business information is verified on Google, you can keep your business’s online presence current with accurate and timely information.

If you still need to claim and verify your business, get started with Sign up and verify your business.

Update your business information

When information about your business changes, you can update it with Google My Business. Regular updates help ensure that we can share the most accurate information with your potential customers. In some cases, we might not accept changes if we believe that they’re inaccurate.

Edit your information

  1. Log in to Google My Business.
    • Choose the page that you’d like to manage.
    • If you have multiple locations, open the location that you’d like to manage.
  2. From the menu, click Info.
  3. Click the section that you want to change, then enter the new information.
    • It may take up to 60 days to delete information that you previously added. Information that’s also publicly available or from other sources might not be removed.
    • Business descriptions, like summaries or keywords from the web that appear next to your business, aren’t editable. Learn more about business summaries.
  4. Click Finished editing.

Learn more about how to edit your business information.

Tip: To make changes on the go, you can use the Google My Business mobile app for Android or iOS.

Add owners and managers to share responsibility

As you know, it takes hard work to run a business. You may not have time to keep your online presence as fresh as you’d like. Owners and managers can help.

To delegate responsibility to other members of your staff, add owners and managers to your Business Profile. You can maintain your ownership of the page when you add other owners and managers.

Assign owners and managers

  1. Log in to Google My Business.
    • Choose the page that you’d like to manage.
    • If you have multiple locations, open the location that you’d like to manage.
  2. From the menu, click Users.
  3. On the ‘Managers of [your business]’ box, in the top right, click Invite new managers.
  4. To select the user’s role, below their name, click Owner, Manager or Communications manager.
  5. Click Invite.

Invitees have the option to accept the invitation and immediately become profile owners or managers.

When a user accepts an invitation, the owners of the profile receive an email notification. All users in the account can view the names and email addresses listed on the assigned page.

To cancel pending invitations, you can click the X in the row with the invitation that you want to remove.

Contact Us

Footprint specialises in creating bespoke websites designed to help take your business to another level. We have been providing web design Surrey since 1998 and if you’d like to speak to us regarding any of our services, give us a call on 01883 372488 or contact us via Facebook and we’ll be happy to talk you through your options.

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