In a previous article titled, ‘Is Your Website Mobile Friendly? Find Out Why It Needs To Be’, we explored an update in Google’s ranking algorithm which was designed to ensure that ‘mobile friendly’ websites receive greater exposure in mobile search results.

This change is widely acknowledged to be a positive move because as most of us have experienced at some point in the past, trying to use a non-mobileMobile SEO friendly site via your phone or tablet can be tricky best and impossible at worst.

Why Are Things Changing?

There can be little doubt that the world has gone mobile. There are few places that you can go where you will not encounter someone using some form of smart-phone or tablet and because many of these devices offer the benefits of using laptop or desktop but in a mobile form, who could blame them?

A study undertaken by Search Engine Watch during the summer of 2014 shines a spotlight on just how ‘mobile mad’ the world has gone and this trend is showing absolutely no signs of slowing down.

With smart-phones and tablets doing battle with more traditional computers as primary method of obtain online information, and print, television and other traditional advertising avenues giving way to the power of online and mobile channels, this is a move that has sent shock waves through the business world.

Staying Ahead of the Curve

To help stay ahead of the effective advertising curve, forward thinking business owners are now beginning to turn away from traditional marketing channels and are instead embracing the new ‘mobile age’.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a stalwart of the new age marketing techniques for many businesses and it is now beginning to break new boundaries by factoring mobile optimisation into the mix.

If you are undecided whether to explore this marketing medium, we have outlined 4 interesting facts which may help to sway your mind.

No. 1 – Mobile searches are on the increase – There is an irresistible move towards the use of mobile devices becoming the primary search method amongst internet users.

With recent figures indicating that as many as 50% of all internet users are making their search on a mobile device, and as many as 88% of all users opting for this medium if searching for a local business!

No. 2 – Mobile traffic is on the increase – During 2012, ComScore made the bold prediction that mobile generated traffic would overtake Mobile SEOdesktop generated traffic by the year 2014.

Whilst many people found this prediction unlikely to become true, Search Engine Watch last year reported that this was actually the case.

No. 3 – An increasing link between mobile searches and local intent – When mobile internet users are looking to make an in-store purchase, up to 50% of people use their mobile device to search for a local business.

No. 4 – The link between purchasing behaviour and mobile SEO – comScore highlighted that smart-phone and tablet users spend as much as 66% of their time online searching for online retailing opportunities.

With facts and figures such as these, do you want to miss out on tapping into this potentially lucrative market?

Contact Us

If you would like to discuss this in further detail, please give our team a ring on Tel. No. 01883 372488 and we will be happy to answer any of your questions.