E-mail marketing offers a highly effective method of product promotion because it generates the highest return on investments for a company.

Today, marketers are under constant pressure to reach more people using fewer resources and e-mail provides the easiest and most convenient way of sending personalised marketing campaigns while remaining on budget.

1. Cost-Effective

Cost-effectiveness and efficiency are perhaps some of the most appealing advantages of e-mail marketing. There are no print costs, advertising rates, or postage fees. According to figures released by Direct Marketing Association, email marketing returns outperform display, search, and social marketing.

E-mail marketing is a sharable, targeted, credible, and cost-effective tool that is commonly overlooked by many marketers. In order to make the process simple, a company may choose to hire a good marketing advisor. With proper guidance, a strong message, and a strategic approach, any business is assured of numerous benefits from email marketing.

2. Greater Reach

While social media avenues like Facebook and Twitter seem to be the most effective medium of reaching the masses, this is not always the case. Currently, Facebook has over 51.15 million Facebook users while Twitter has over 17.55 million. In 2020, there was a whopping 4 billion email accounts*. Today, most of the people logged on to the Internet require an active e-mail address. Suffice to say that when it comes to reaching prospective customers, email is the best channel to use.

3. Targeted Form of Marketing

Placing an advertisement on television, in a periodical, or on the radio has no guarantee that the targeted market will see it. Using email, marketers can control who sees the email because they can segment contacts based on demographics, lead status, location, or other data. This method ensures that customers receive content that has been specifically suited to their needs.

4. Increased Brand Awareness

Every email sent exposes customers to your brand and business. With a smart design, targeted content, and strategic planning, the business will steadily build value. Emails stand a better chance of creating an impact with customers. This means that when they are in need of your products or services, they will turn to your business to provide value.

5. Emails are Easily Sharable

Emails are easy to share because they have a forward function. Therefore, it is easier to click forward than it is to spend time explaining a product’s television advert. Customers and subscribers share email marketing messages with friends, acquaintances, and other loved ones. This creates brand exposure and credibility.

Further Information

If you’d like to speak to us regarding any of our services, including our online marketing services, please give us a call on 01883 372488 or contact us via Facebook and we’ll be happy to talk you through your options.

Currently Browsing: 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Overlook E-Mail Marketing

* https://www.statista.com/statistics/255080/number-of-e-mail-users-worldwide/#:~:text=In%202020%2C%20the%20number%20of,4.6%20billion%20users%20in%202025.&text=In%202020%2C%20approximately%20306%20billion,daily%20e%2Dmails%20in%202025.