Creating a Twitter account offers the perfect conduit to let your clients know about upcoming deals or events, interact with people personally (dealing with both praise and grievance) and reach an international audience.

When you bring your business on Twitter, you connect with our powerful audience where you can make an impact and drive results. In fact, brand involvement in culture is especially important among consumers between the ages of 18 and 35. People on Twitter vs. the general population are more passionate, informed, and feel more strongly about brands aligning with culture.*

Your audience is already on Twitter and they can’t wait to connect with you. Setting up a Twitter could not be easier, follow the URL, enter your details and you’re away! However, if you don’t have the time to create and maintain your Twitter presence, Footprint Digital can do this all for you.

Some top tips:

  • Keep your message concise
  • Limit hashtags to 1-2 per Tweet
  • Include a clear call-to-action where applicable (e.g. “Read the full story”)
  • Avoid writing copy in all-caps
  • Keep a conversational tone
  • Consider using emojis to add emotion

To help you along the way, we have drawn up 5 ways Twitter can be used to help your business.

No 1 – Helping To Spread The Word

Tell the world what you’re doing, what’s coming up, success stories or ask your followers to get involved. Set quizzes and questions that’ll get people onto your website and share your details.5 Twitter Tips To Help Your Business

No. 2 – Market Research

Looking for some feedback? Your Twitter audience are your clients; ask their opinion directly and you’ll have the right answer (you will also have made your clients feel valued).

No. 3 – Monitoring Your Market Sector

Following your competitors and other names in your industry is a great way to keep abreast of progress, changes and market trends.

No. 4 – Easy Access to Customer Views

It’s now commonplace for businesses to allow their clients to contact them through Twitter. Praise on Twitter can reap huge benefits in terms of swelling your number of followers. Conversely, if someone complains publicly? You can deal with it instantly – letting everyone know your side of the issue and how you propose to deal with it. People who complain are generally just looking for someone to listen; do that and you’ll turn a negative into a positive every time.

No. 5 – Growing Your Audience

Twitter has allowed businesses to reach a global client market. The above points will all help you work towards getting your name out there; to potential client sources, you didn’t even know existed. Inciting your existing followers to share your posts and feedback using “hashtags” (which we’ll go into in the next blog) will ensure their followers become your followers.

Further Information

If you would like to put your Social Media marketing in the hands of a company that will take it forward, please contact Footprint Digital on Tel. No. 01883 372488 today.

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